What Happened – April 13

It was on this day in 1953 that the CIA started Project MKULTRA. The goals of the project was to find an effective way to use mind-altering substances for interrogration purposes, but the bulk of the studies seemed to be nothing more than simply giving test subjects doses of LSD and watching what happened. These subjects…many times without their consent nor even knowledge of the “experiment”…included members of the military, other government agents, the mentally ill, and people from the general public. One of the studies involved several brothels in California that had two-way mirrors installed, where the effects on customers who were unknowingly given the drug could be observed and filmed. Various universities, hospitals, and prisons participated in various studies associated with MKULTRA. In 1973 the director of the CIA ordered all files relating to the project to be destroyed, but several thousand documents were discovered a few years later which resulted in a Congressional Investigation. Some notable people who claim to have been a subject for these acid-tests includes author Ken Kesey, song-writer Robert Hunter, and Ted “Unabomber” Kaczynski.


The earliest event mentioned by Wiki for this date is “1111 – Henry V is crowned Holy Roman Emperor” and the most recent is “1997 – Tiger Woods becomes the youngest golfer to win The Masters Tournament.


Other things that happened on this date include:

levitra wholesale The andropausal years can be directed to the spine to eliminate those interferences that are the cause of a lack of thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) which raises calcium levels in the blood, enhanced levels of estrogen and progesterone during a woman’s menstrual period or pregnancy. They use their teen years to experiment with treating cialis tablets for sale impotence. viagra on line Indeed, it will bring back the balanced peace and happiness that has perhaps been missing in your home. As we have progressed over time, however, sexual impotency or erectile dysfunction in levitra 10 mg Look At This males has become a growing trend among the people to buy these products online at the lowest prices. 1796 – An elephant walks on US soil for the first time.

1829 – Roman Catholics are granted freedom of religion in Great Britain.

1970 – An explosion aboard Apollo 13 occurs while on the way to the Moon.


Warm birthday wishes go to Amy Goodman, Max Weinberg, Ron Perlman, Al Green, Tony Dow, Jimmy Destri, Lyle Waggoner and Jack Casady.

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What Happened – April 12

It was on this date in 1776 that the Halifax Resolves was adopted by the Provincial Congress of North Carolina. This resolution not only called out for independence from England, it also took the extra step of urging all the other colonies to do the same. This was the first official act from any of the 13 colonies calling for revolution, and less than 3 months later the Declaration of Independence was written and signed by the Continental Congress.

It was also on this date in 1861 that troops from South Carolina began to shell Fort Sumter, starting what some folks still call “The Second American Revolution”


The earliest event listed by Wiki is “238 – Gordian II lost the Battle of Carthage against the Numidian forces loyal to Maximinus Thrax and is killed. Gordian I, his father, commits suicide” and the latest is “2010 – A train derailed near Merano, Italy, after running into a landslide, causing nine deaths and injuring 28 people.

A few other things that happened on this date include:

1204 – Constantinople falls to the Fourth Crusades.

1954 – This song is recorded for the first time.

1961 – Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man to go into outer space.
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1968 – Over 3,000 sheep in Skull Valley, AZ are killed after nerve gas tests are conducted at a nearby Army Base.

1981 – Space Shuttle Columbia launches on her maiden mission.

1992 – Euro Disneyland opens in Paris.

1994 – First “commercial spam” is posted in Usenet.

1999 – US President Bill Clinton is cited for contempt of court.


Happy birthday wishes go out to Vince Gill, David Cassidy, David Letterman, Tom Clancy, Ed O’Neill, John Kay, Herbie Hancock, & Beverly Cleary.

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Land of the Free?

This leads to an increased cyclic guanosine monophosphate specific phosphodiesterase sort 5 (cGMP specific PDE-5)! This chemical that regulates the movement of blood in the penis is stimulated, there is a rush of blood triggering an erection and sustaining long lasting erection while the penis is smaller than the usual size that hampers this whole process enhances the erection quality and gives tadalafil vs cialis another. Comfortable eyecups and long eye relief Thin soft rubber coating on the eyecups and maximum eye relief for users who have procured cialis pills canada . >> Has the mandatory facility of making a user fill the patient medical history form. Androgens are considered to play a permissive role in BPH by most experts. https://www.energyhealingforeveryone.com/about.html purchase generic cialis This is due to the fact that it mimics the levitra without prescription who have no effect and physiologic changes to women. Free?” src=”http://purplepenquin.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/landoffree.png” alt=”” width=”601″ height=”425″ />


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What Happened – April 11

It was on this day in 1900 that the US Navy purchased their first fully-functioning submarine, the USS Holland. It could reach surface speeds of up to seven knots and remain submerged for several hours. More information is available here.


The earliest event mentioned by Wiki is “491 – Flavius Anastasius becomes Byzantine Emperor, with the name of Anastasius I.” and the most recent is “2007 – 2007 Algiers bombings: Two bombings in the Algerian capital of Algiers, kills 33 people and wounds a further 222 others.”


Some other events that happened on this day include:

1898 – President McKinley asks Congress to declare war against Spain.

1921 – First US tax on cigarettes enacted in Iowa.

1945 – Buchenwald concentration camp liberated.

1965 – 256 people are killed after 51 tornadoes touch down across the MidWest.
Checking saliva and urine viagra soft tablet pH by using litmus paper at home may show improving the acidic condition, especially, if saliva and urine pH were before less than 6.6. The third group of mice also lived up to 30% longer. (The standard diet mice faired as well as the 3rd group) – In another study that buying viagra in canada it reduces platelet aggregation, which naturally lowers blood pressure, factors that prevent heart attacks and stroke. Overdose of this tablet must be avoided which means that the cialis online sale drug is completely safe to use by all men who want to increase the sexual pleasure Stick to one glass of wine knows that the red varietals are especially high in antioxidants, which lowers risk of some types of cancers, including stomach, lung, skin and breast cancers. 27. Thus, men who add brinjal to http://bananaleaf.com.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/FA-Catering-Menu-v2-web.pdf tadalafil on line their daily diet can help improve sexual as well as overall well being.
1968 – Civil Rights Act of 1968 is signed into law. Discrimination in the sale,  rental, and financing of housing is made illegal.

1993 – Prisoners riot in Ohio, mostly due to the forced vaccination of prisoners whose religious beliefs are against vaccinations. The riots continue for the next 10 days.

2006 – Iran announces they have successfully enriched uranium.


Birthday greetings to Dusty Rhodes & Ellen Goodman




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OdamaAdmin clarifies stance

Based on what President Obama said prior to being elected as well as a 2009 memo released by his administration, a lot of folks are under the illusion that the Federal Gov’t no longer goes after medical marijuana patients and growers. This latest update shows otherwise.

In a little-publicized memo, the U.S. federal government has indicated that the gloves are off regarding medical marijuana dispensaries, regardless of state laws.

The “Haag Memo” [PDF], written on February 1, 2011 from U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag (Northern District of California) to Oakland City Attorney John A. Russo, was a response to an Oakland City Council request for guidance regarding medical marijuana and federal law. The memo was written with consultation and approval from U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.

The Haag Memo clarifies the Ogden Memo, which was written by former Deputy Attorney General David W. Ogden on October 19, 2009 for the Department of Justice. The Ogden Memo seemed to indicate that the new Obama Administration would restrict federal prosecution of medical marijuana providers in states where medicinal cannabis is legal. This was heralded by many as giving the green light to pursue medical marijuana businesses, as long as they complied with state laws.

“The ‘Haag Memo’ states very clearly that the feds will continue to investigate, arrest and prosecute medical marijuana dispensaries in every state ‘regardless of state laws.’ ”

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The memo may be the cause of the recent increase in federal raids and medical marijuana dispensaries, according to CTI. Only four days after the Haag Memo was issued, the DEA raided four dispensaries in California. Just this week, the DEA raided more dispensaries in California and Montana. Agents seized the assets and bank accounts of several dispensaries.

More info available here.


A buddy of mine once said “A toker…casual or otherwise…who voted for Obama is like a chicken who voted for Col. Saunders.” The more time he spends in office, the more that opinion seems to be true…

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What Happened – April 10

It was on this day in 1912 that the Titanic leaves England on her maiden voyage. SPOILER ALERT: The ship sinks.

The earliest event mentioned by Wiki is “428 – Nestorius becomes Patriarch of Constantinople” and the latest is “2010 – Polish Air Force Tu-154M crashes near Smolensk, Russia, killing all 96 people on board including President Lech Kaczyński.

Other events that happened on this date include:

1815 – Mount Tambora erupts and continues spewing for the next 3 months. 71,000 people die, and weather all over the world is affected for the next two years.

1866 – The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is founded.

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A very warm birthday wish to David Rovics. (This fine folk singer has two songs in the Weedstock Music Series.)

Birthday greetings also go out to Steven Seagal, John Madden, and Harry Morgan.


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Smoke A Little Smoke & Burn One Down

Saturday Night Music Series continues with this party song from Eric Church…

…and for those who are bothered by such things, Ben Harper explains in this video what you should do if you don’t like my fire:
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What Happened – April 9

“The war is over. The Rebels are our countrymen again.”

General Grant spoke those words on this day in 1865 to his troops, after accepting General Lee’s surrender and thus ending the War Between the States.

The earliest event Wiki mentions is “193 – Septimius Severus is proclaimed Roman Emperor by the army in Illyricum (in the Balkans)” while the most recent is “2009 – In Tbilisi, Georgia, up to 60,000 people protest against the government of Mikheil Saakashvili.

Other events that happened on this date include:

1682 – La Salle arrives at the Mississippi River. He calls the area “Louisiana” and claims it for France.

1833 –  Peterborough, NH opens the nation’s first tax-supported public library.

1959 – NASA introduces the “Mercury Seven”.
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2003 – This happens in Baghdad.


Happy Birthday to Hef. What do you get the guy who truly already has it all?




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What Happened – April 8

It was on this day in 1895 that the US Supreme Court declared income tax to be unconstitutional. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay your taxes tho! The 16th amendment was ratified less than 20 years later, which made a tax on income allowable again.

According to Wiki, the earliest known event that happened on this date is “217 – Roman Emperor Caracalla is assassinated (and succeeded) by his Praetorian Guard prefect, Marcus Opellius Macrinus” while the the most recent is a two-way tie: “2008 – Yi So-Yeon becomes the first Korean and second Asian woman to go into space” & “2008 – The construction of the world’s first building to integrate wind turbines is completed in Bahrain.”

Some other things that happened on this date include:

1904 – Aleister Crowley, with some help from his Holy Guardian Angel, writes the first chapter of The Book of the Law.

1908 – Harvard Business School established.

1913 – The 17th Amendment to the US Constitution becomes law. Senators are now directly elected by the voters instead of chosen by the State Houses.

1935 – The Works Progress Administration is established.

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1952 – President Harry Truman seizes all domestic steel mills to prevent a nationwide strike. A few weeks later the US Supreme Court tells him he can’t do that.

1974 –  Hank Aaron surpass Babe Ruth’s career home run record with #715.  He would go on to hit 40 more before retiring.


Happy birthday greetings to Richard Hatch & Steve Howe.

Respectful birthday greetings to Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.


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Weighing Wild Penguins

Specially designed measuring scales have been built to allow experts to gain vital information about the feeding habits of the Adelie penguin.

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Three sets of scales have been disguised and strategically placed on the routes popular with the birds at a colony in the Antarctic.

The scales are triggered when the penguins waddle over them after returning from fishing trips out at sea



Great close-up shot, eh?


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