What Happened – October 30

It was on this day in 1938 that Martians invaded Earth. Well, actually, there was a radio play produced/performed by Orson Welles that was done in such a manner that lead some people to believe it was real. Based on the book The War of the Worlds, the play was done as a series of  “news breaks” that described aliens attacking US cities. An announcement made at the beginning of the program stating it was a work of fiction was missed by most people (due to another popular radio program also being broadcast), and it wasn’t until the end of the show that Welles repeated it was simply a play rather than actual news broadcasts. There were over 12,000 newspapers stories about the incident in the days that followed, and it is estimated that out of the 6 million listeners over 1 million of them were “genuinely frightened”


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “758 – Guangzhou is sacked by Arab and Persian pirates” and the most recent is “2005 – The rebuilt Dresden Frauenkirche (destroyed in the firebombing of Dresden during World War II) is reconsecrated after a thirteen-year rebuilding project.
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Happy birthday to Tequan Richmond, Ben Bailey, Jack Plotnick, Harry Hamlin, Henry Winkler, and Grace Slick.


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