There are more than just two choices.

Althouse was discussing Rick Santorum desire to wage a War on Porn and someone commented “If Santorum is the nominee, I’ll vote for Obama”, prompting this response from me:

Actually your best bet would be to vote for a 3rd/4th party that better suits your tastes.

By voting for Obama, you’re telling the Professional Pollsters that you’re willing to accept him despite his major flaws and thus nothing will change in the next election – the major parties will still keep on putting the same ol’ same ol’ on the ticket.
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If more people started voting outside the TwoPartySystem…especially if there are enough votes to “cover the spread”…then the PartyLeaders will see that they need to address other opinions/stances in order to win your vote. Until that happens, they can just ignore those concerns ’cause you’re still voting for their guy anyways.

It can be a slow process, but that is how Woman’s Suffrage was finally passed in this country, as well as the passage & repeal of Alcohol Prohibition.

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