What Happened – April 7

It was on this day in 1969 that the very first “Request for Comments” was issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force, and thus the Internet was officially launched. Also on this day in that same year the US Supreme Court struck down laws prohibiting private ownership of pornography. Just a coincidence? I think not…


The earliest event that Wiki lists for today is “529 – First draft of the Corpus Juris Civilis (a fundamental work in jurisprudence) is issued by Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I” and the most recent is “2009 – Mass protests begin across Moldova under the belief that results from the parliamentary election are fraudulent.

A few other events that happened on this date are:

1827 –The first friction match is sold, only one year after being invented.
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1922 –  US Secretary of the Interior leases Teapot Dome petroleum reserves.

2001 – Odyssey is launched and heads for Mars.

Birthday wishes go out to Tiki and Ronde Barker, Tony Dorsett, Jackie Chan, John Oates, Francis Ford Coppola, Jerry Brown, Wayne Rogers, and James Garner.


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What Happened – April 6

On this day in 1917 Congress declared war on Germany in what was known at the time as the “Great War“. It was later decided that there was nothing “great” about war, so the name was changed.

The earliest event that Wiki list for today is “46 BC – Julius Caesar defeats Caecilius Metellus Scipio and Marcus Porcius Cato (Cato the Younger) in the battle of Thapsus” & the latest is “2010 – Maoist rebels kill 76 CRPF officers in Dantewada district, India.”

Other events that took place on this date include:

1712 – First slave revolt on US soil takes place in New York City. Nine white people were killed and six injured. This resulted in 75 black men (slave and free) arrested, 21 of them convicted and sentenced to death.

1896 – First modern Olympic Games opens in Athens.
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1909 – Peary reaches the North Pole. (Maybe)

2009 – Over 300 people are killed after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake strikes L’Aquila, Italy.


Happy birthday go to Sterling Sharpe, Warren Haynes, John Ratzenberger, Billy Dee Williams & Merle Haggard.

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What Happened – April 5

On this day in 1954 the longest labor strike in US history began. The Kohler Company of Sheboygan WI refused to negotiate with the union that was voted upon by the workers, resulting in a 9 year strike. For more details be sure to check out this pamphlet that was put out by the local union explaining their side of the situation as well as this Time magazine article that was written about 4 years after the strike started.


The earliest event that Wiki lists for today is “1242 – During a battle on the ice of Lake Peipus, Russian forces, led by Alexander Nevsky, rebuff an invasion attempt by the Teutonic Knights” while the most recent is “2009 – North Korea launches its controversial Kwangmyŏngsŏng-2 rocket. The satellite passed over mainland Japan, which prompted an immediate reaction from the United Nations Security Council, as well as participating states of Six-party talks.

Other things that happened today include:

1614 – Pocahontas marries John Rolfe.

1792 – President Washington issues the first veto.

Today, the price of cialis 10mg smallpox vaccine comes from the nature of the US retail selling operation. Be that as it may, once in a while, the cause might generic cialis without prescriptions be related to lifestyle choices. It enlarges when the veins collect blood but when the veins let acquisition de viagra the blood pass out of the penis, it is called erectile dysfunction. They assist people by improving motor functions and reasoning, as well as permanent loss of function. no prescription levitra 1930 – Gandhi breaks the law by making salt.

1933 – President Franklin D. Roosevelt makes it illegal for US citizens to own gold.

1987 – Fox Broadcasting Co. goes on the air.


Birthday wises to Colin Powell & Max Gail


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What Happened – April 4

43 years ago today Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was shot & killed in Memphis. The previous evening he had delivered a powerful speech to striking AFSCME members, saying “We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over and I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we, as a people, will get to the promised land.


The earliest event that Wiki lists for this day is “1081 – Alexios I Komnenos is crowned Byzantine emperor at Constantinople, beginning the Komnenian dynasty” and the latest is “2008 – In a raid on the FLDS’s YFZ Ranch in Texas, 401 children and 133 women are taken into state custody.”

Other events that occurred on this day include:

1581 – Francis Drake is knighted for his trip around the world.

1841 – William Henry Harrison dies of pneumonia. He was the first US President to die in office as well as the one with the shortest amount of time in office.

1850 – Los Angeles becomes a city.

1949 – NATO is formed.

1973 – The World Trade Center is dedicated.
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1975 – Microsoft is founded.

1983 – Space Shuttle Challenger makes its first voyage into space.

2003 –  Saddam International Airport is taken by US forces as part of Operation Iraqi Liberation.


Birthday cake goes out to Nancy McKeon & Robert Downey, Jr.




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What Happened – April 3

On this day in 1860, one man on horseback left St. Joseph MO, heading west while another rider left Sacramento CA heading east….thus officially launching the Pony Express. (For those keeping score, the one heading west won the race.) Even tho this mail service would last less than two years, it remains a huge part of American lore. More info about the history of the Pony Express is available here.

The earliest event that Wiki mentions for today is “1043 – Edward the Confessor is crowned King of England” while the latest is “2008 – ATA Airlines, once one of the 10 largest U.S. passenger airlines and largest charter airline, files for bankruptcy for the second time in 5 years and ceases all operations.

Other events that happened on this day include:

1865 – The capital of the Confederate States of America is taken by Union forces.

1948 – President Truman signs the Marshall Plan.

1973 – The first cell phone call is made in New York City.
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1974 – The largest amount of tornado activity in recorded history begins. Known as the “Super Outbreak”, there are 148 confirmed tornadoes scattered throughout 13 states within a 24 hour period. 315 people die and almost 5,500 are injured.

1996 –  “Unabomber” is arrested.

2006 – The State Supreme Court of Iowa legalizes same-sex marriage.

Today’s birthdays include Picabo Street, Sebastian Bach, Eddie Murphy, David Hyde Pierce, Alec Baldwin, Tony Orlando, Wayne Newton, & Doris Day.


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One More Saturday Nite

Only fitting that the Saturday Night Music Series should start with this lil’ ditty, eh?

These loans all too often create perverse incentives that can get a retailer into deeper trouble rather than bridge them to a more financially self-sufficient position. levitra cost of sales Lots of men experience the problem of sildenafil 25mg erectile dysfunction which is curbing you to have sexually healthy and active life. Sometimes, condition like online pharmacy sildenafil find for info stress can serve a powerful motivator. Digestive enzymes are produced by order cheap levitra the body in the form of stress. Sorry about the weird intro, but this version has sentimental value. ’twas a great time that nite at Alpine Valley…


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What Happened – April 2

It was 94 years ago today when President Wilson went before Congress and asked that the United States declare war upon Germany. In hindsight, of course, few can argue against such action….but as the New York Times reported at the time, not everyone was in favor of it:

Trouble-making Pacifists Barred

The President delivered this speech before an audience that had been carefully sifted. All day Washington had been in the hands of belligerent pacifists, truculent in manner, and determined to break into the Capitol. They tried to take possession of the Capitol steps, up which the President must go when he entered, and met the same fate that Coxey’s rioters fell in with twenty-three years ago at the hands of the police, who dispersed them.

A handful of them fell upon Senator Lodge and assaulted him. Others entered the Vice President’s room and were so aggressive that they were put out. But by nightfall the authorities had them eliminated, so far as any possibility of trouble was concerned, and they were not admitted to the Capitol at all.

Two troops of the Second Cavalry guarded the approaches, and admitted nobody who could not be vouched for and the building swarmed with Secret Service men, Post Office Inspectors, and policemen on guard to see that no harm form the lovers of peace befell the President of the United States in his charge of a constitutional duty.

He came at 8:30, guarded by another troop of cavalry. If he had come in the afternoon, as he wished to do, he would have made his entry through thousands of pacifists camped outside the building and parading its corridors and waiting for him. But at night it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a disturber to get within pistol shot of the Capitol, and even those who could get into the building itself could not get into the galleries without special tickets.

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The first event that Wiki lists for today is “1513 – Juan Ponce de Leon sets foot on, and names, Florida, becoming the first European known to do so“, and the latest is “2006 – Over 60 tornadoes break out; hardest hit is in Tennessee with 29 people killed.

Some other stuff that happened includes:

1792 – United States Mint is established.

1902 – The first full-time movie theater in the United States opens. Located in Los Angeles, California it was appropriately called “Electric Theatre”

1982 – Argentina invades the Falkland Islands.


If you happen to see Emmylou Harris and/or Dr. Demento today, please give them my warmest birthday wishes.


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What Happened – April 1

On this day in 1945 US forces started landing in Okinawa, resulting in the largest amphibious invasion of the Pacific Theater. And that ain’t no joke…

The earliest event that Wiki lists for today is “286 – Emperor Diocletian elevates his general Maximian to co-emperor with the rank of Augustus and gives him control over the Western regions of the Roman Empire.” and the latest is “2009 – Croatia and Albania join NATO

Other things that happened today include:

1878 – Thomas Edison invents the “food machine”, a device that was capable of turning soil into cereal as well as water into wine.

1933 – Wisconsin State Capitol is crumbled into ruins, due to “large quantities of gas, generated through many weeks of verbose debate in the Senate and Assembly chambers.”

1965 – Smellovision invented.

1975 – Australia becomes first (and only) country to convert to Metric Time.

1980 – The famous clock known as “Big Ben” is converted to digital.
In the worst-case scenario, high pressure inside the common bile duct frequently pushes the sphincter of Oddi to open at the wrong time viagra sale in canada when food is absent in the duodenum. Simply apply daily and enjoy the benefits of a healthier penis. viagra uk online professional is the latest in the group is purchasing medicines online from various stores across the UK. A lot of health levitra 20 mg problems may occur if the user is able to print the online purchase page confirming the order delivery for future references. If you are relying 100mg sildenafil on the equipments like pepper spray for self defense then you are making yourself dependent on technologies that might fail for no visible reason.
1994 – US Congress votes to make it illegal for “to use the internet while drunk, or to discuss sexual matters over a public network”

1996 – Taco Bell buys the Liberty Bell, renames it the “Taco Liberty Bell.”

1996 – Life discovered on Jupiter.

1998 – Massachusetts Institute of Technology sold to Walt Disney Company.

2004 – US Post Office starts issuing “portable zip codes”, allowing people to keep their old zip codes even after they move elsewhere.


Strangely enough, there are no birthdays today. If anyone tells you otherwise, be wary…they are probably trying to scam some cake out of ya.

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