Happy Easter

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What Happened – April 24

It was on this day in 1907 that Hershey Park first opened with a baseball game between the Louisville Cardinals and the Boston Red Sox. Milton Hersey built the park near his factory town for workers to “leave dull cares behind“, and access was limited to only employees and their families. (It was later opened to the general public.) In addition to the baseball field the original park had a bandstand, a pavilion, and areas for picnicking & canoeing.  The following summer a merry-go-round and 1,500-seat amphitheater was added on, with a tennis court & bowling alley built the year after that. The park continued to grow every season, with there now being over 60 rides (11 of which are roller coasters) as well as 200 animal zoo.


Wiki’s earliest event for this day is “1479 BC – Thutmose III ascends to the throne of Egypt, although power effectively shifts to Hatshepsut (according to the Low Chronology of the 18th Dynasty)” and their most recent is “2007 – Iceland announces that Norway will shoulder the defense of Iceland during peacetime.”

Some other things that happened on this day were:

1704 – The first newspaper in the United States is published in Boston.

1800 – The United States Library of Congress is established.
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1898 – The United States declares war on Spain.

1980 – Eight servicemen die while trying to rescue American hostages in Iran.

2005 – World’s first cloned dog is born.


Happy birthday to Damon Lindelof, Michael O’Keefe, Jack Blades, Doug Clifford, Barbra Streisand, and Shirley MacLaine

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Rumble of the Diesel & Kung Fu Fighting (Remix)

Saturday night starts off with a funky tune with some silly riffs. Gotta luv having an actual xylophone on stage….

…and speaking of silly & funky, check out this remix of the 70’s classic. Bonus points for the KungFu Theater footage!


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DISCLAMER: The word “silly” is not meant in a bad, negative, and/or unfavorable manner.

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What Happened – April 23

It was on this date in in 2005 that the first video was uploaded to YouTube. Less than a year later over 65,000 new videos were being uploaded every day. Currently there are 35 hours of video being uploaded every minute, and the site is the third-most visited website on the Internet.


According to Wiki the earliest event listed for this date is “215 BC – A temple is built on the Capitoline Hill dedicated to Venus Erycina to commemorate the Roman defeat at Lake Trasimene” and the most recent is “2009 – The gamma ray burst GRB 090423 is observed for 10 seconds. The event signals the most distant object of any kind and also the oldest known object in the universe.


A few other things that occurred on this day include:

1635 – The first public school in the United States opens in Boston.
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1789 – George and Martha move into the first Presidential Mansion, the Franklin House in NYC.

1900 – First documented use of the word “hillbillie” in a printed article.

1985 – New Coke released for first time. Classic Coke is re-released less than 3 months later.


Happy birthday wishes go out to Michael Moore, Joyce DeWitt, Valerie Bertinelli, Lee Majors, Shirley Temple Black,  and John Oliver.

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What Happened – April 22

“Welcome to a kingdom of animals… real, ancient and imagined: a kingdom ruled by lions, dinosaurs and dragons; a kingdom of balance, harmony and survival; a kingdom we enter to share in the wonder, gaze at the beauty, thrill at the drama, and learn”

With those words spoken on this day in 1998, Michael Eisner opened the Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World. It is the largest animal park in the world, with 1,700 animals from 250 species located on over 500 acres. The Animal Kingdom is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, tho they are much more than just a zoo.

The earliest event listed by Wiki for this day is “238 – Year of the Six Emperors: The Roman Senate outlaws emperor Maximinus Thrax for his bloodthirsty proscriptions in Rome and nominates two of its members, Pupienus and Balbinus, to the throne” and the most recent is “2010 – Deepwater Horizon, an oil rig owned by BP and Transocean, sinks to the bottom of the Gulf Of Mexico after having a blowout two days earlier. The well then created the largest oil spill in U.S. history by constantly gushing oil through the damaged wellhead.”

A few other events that happened on this day include:

1864 – Congress mandates “In God We Trust” be placed on all coins.
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1911 – Pravda debuts.

1970 – Earth Day celebrated for first time.

2000 – Elián González seized from a relative’s home by federal agents.

Birthday wishes go out to Tom Griswold, Paul Carrack, Jack Nicholson, Glen Campbell, Peter Frampton, and Charlotte Rae.

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The Other Side: Anti-Marijuana PSA

Yesterday there were 24 different songs posted that celebrate ganja. In the interest in fairness, cialis without prescription seanamic.com The erection can last for 4 to 6 hours. My depression and urge to order levitra online make everything right made me explore the market for options. Visiting a chiropractic india viagra online clinic can boost up the body’s overall energy. Now mix both the cipla viagra generic things well and have it. here is a Public Service Annoucement telling us the other side of the story:


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What Happened – April 21

In was on this day in 1918 that German fighter ace Manfred von Richthofen was shot down and killed. Responsible for at least 80 and perhaps as many as 100 enemy planes shot down, he was considered an “Ace of Aces” and had the most confirmed kills of any pilot in WWI. There is some controversy over who actually killed the Red Baron – some accounts credit Canadian pilot Arthur Brown, others say that he was killed as a result of fire from the ground, and a small minority of people claim that he was shot down by a beagle flying on his doghouse.

Earliest event listed on Wiki for this day is “753 BC – Romulus and Remus founded Rome (traditional date)” and the most recent is “2004 – Five suicide car bombers target police stations in and around Basra, killing 74 people and wounding 160.

Few other things that happened:

1509 – Henry VIII becomes King of England.

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1994 – Astronomer Alexander Wolszczan announces that he has discovered the first planets located outside our solar system.


Warm birthday wishes go out to Michael Franti, Tony Danza, Iggy Pop, James McAvoy, Tony Romo, and Queen Elizabeth II.

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Happy 4/20! Wild Wood Weed

Gonna wrap up the party with this country classic featuring some nice outdoor video footage of a few lovely ladies.


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Happy 4/20! Marijuana Locos in Your Brain

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Happy 4/20! Flying High Again

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