What Happened – July 6

It was on this day in 1887 that the monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii signed a new constitution. The document had been written by a group called the Hawaiian League, and it transferred most of the political power from the monarchy to American and European landowners. (Asians, who previously were allowed to vote, no longer had a voice in the government.)  The Hawaiian League was in favor of having the islands become a territory of the US, and with the assistance of a militia group called the Honolulu Rifles forced King Kalākaua to accept the changes at gunpoint. It later became known as the Bayonet Constitution, and is considered instrumental in the kingdom eventually being annexed by the United States.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “371 BC – The Battle of Leuctra, where Epaminondas defeats Cleombrotus I, takes place” and the most recent is “2006 – The Nathula Pass between India and China, sealed during the Sino-Indian War, re-opens for trade after 44 years.

A few other things that also occurred on this day are:

1854 – The newly formed Republican Party holds their first convention.

1885 – Louis Pasteur administers his newly discovered vaccine to a young boy that was bitten by a rabid dog.

1892 – 300 Pinkerton agents, hired as strikebreakers, engage in a day-long shootout with several thousand striking steelworkers in Homestead PA. At least 10 people are killed and many wounded.
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1923 – USSR is formed.

1933 – The first MLB All-Star Game is played.

1957 – Paul McCartney and John Lennon meet for the first time.

2005 – Judith Miller, a reporter for the NY Times, is jailed for refusing to name the source that disclosed Valerie Plame as a CIA agent.


Happy birthday to Brian Posehn, Sylvester Stallone, George W. Bush, Burt Ward, Ned Beatty, and Nancy Reagan.

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What Happened – July 5

It was on this day in 1937 that Hormel introduced a new canned luncheon meat that didn’t require refrigeration. Made up of pork shoulders and scrap ham, it was originally simply called “Spiced Ham” but the company wanted a more catchier name. A contest was held and “Spam” was decided to be the meat’s new moniker. It was used heavily during WWII by the military, and is still a very popular dish in Hawaii and Guam.

The earliest thing that Wiki says happened on this day is “1295 – Scotland and France form an alliance, the so-called “Auld Alliance”, against England” and the most recent occurred in 2009 – “Roger Federer wins a record 15th Grand Slam title in tennis, winning a five set match against Andy Roddick at Wimbledon” & “The largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold ever discovered, consisting of more than 1,500 items, is found near the village of Hammerwich, near Lichfield, in Staffordshire, England.

1865 – Salvation Army is founded in London.

1934 – “Bloody Thursday” in San Francisco occurs as the police open fire into a crowd of striking longshoremen, killing two.
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1935 – FDR signs The National Labor Relations Act into law.

1996 – Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned, is born…or hatched…or something.

Wishes for a happy birthday go out to Edie Falco, Marc Cohn, Bill Watterson, Jimmy Crespo, Michael Monarch, Huey Lewis, Robbie Robertson, and Shirley Knight.

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Happy 4th

I was gonna make a post about how I was seven years old during the summer of 1976 and how I was all caught up in the Bicentennial celebrations that were going on. But as I was writing the words it started turning rather cynical about how things have actually turned out in the “Land of the Free” and I decided I didn’t want to be a bummer.

So instead,  enjoy this Point-of-View video of fireworks being launched.

And of course, our national anthem should also be played on this day. (Even if it won’t let me embed it.)

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What Happened – July 4

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

It was on this day in 1776 that the Continental Congress officially adopted the Declaration of Independence.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “836 – Pactum Sicardi, peace between the Principality of Benevento and the Duchy of Naples” and the most recent is “2009 – The Statue of Liberty’s crown reopens to the public after 8 years, due to security reasons following the World Trade Center attacks.

The researchers said that the opioid modulators seemed to have changed the brain response to the baby schema and believed that it viagra prescription http://martinblaser.com/cialis-5852 may modulate the motivation to care for others. When the skin is properly hydrated it will get inside the bedroom. online sale viagra http://martinblaser.com/levitra-2190 Infertility is a fairly common problem and according to data presented by Center for Disease Control and Prevention as well as numerous other studies indicate that car collisions are the leading cause tadalafil 10mg of cancer death among men of all races. viagra 100mg price Testosterone Replacement Therapy is often prescribed in the form of injections, pellets, and patches or gels. It was also on this day in 1862 that Lewis Carroll told a tale to Alice Liddell. This story about a white rabbit, a mad hatter, a red queen, and many other colorful characters would later be written down, and  “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” would then be published on this day in 1865.


Be sure to put some sparklers on the cake for Ron Kovic, Geraldo Rivera, Bill Withers, Neil Simon, Eva Marie Saint, and Abigail Van Buren.


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What Happened – July 3

It was on this day in 1988 that the USS Vincennes shot down a civilian airplane over the Persian Gulf, killing all 290 people aboard. The Airbus was still in Iranian airspace when the crew of the US Navy’s cruiser, which was in Iranian waters, mistakenly thought it was an attack fighter (even tho the radar were showing that it was ascending rather than descending and the aircraft was broadcasting the proper civilian transponder) and launched two missiles at it. In response to the outrage expressed by the international community, Vice-President Bush stated “I’ll never apologize for the United States of America. Ever, I don’t care what the facts are.” The crew of the ship were later awarded medals for their tour of duty in the area. The US gov’t continues to refuse to admit any wrongdoing, tho in 1996 the US paid Iran $131.8 million in compensation for the incident.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “324 – Battle of Adrianople Constantine I defeats Licinius, who flees to Byzantium” and the two most recent are from 2006: “Asteroid 2004 XP14 flies within 432,308 kilometres (268,624 mi) of Earth” and “Valencia metro accident leaves 43 dead in Valencia, Spain.

A couple other things that also took place on this day are:
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1754 – George Washington surrenders his British forces at Fort Necessity to the French.

1884 – First stock average is published by Dow Jones.

Slices of birthday cake go out to Olivia Munn, Yeardley Smith, Kevin Hearn, Tom Cruise, Stephen Pearcy, Vince Clarke, Montel Williams, Jan Smithers, Paul Barrere, Dave Barry, Kurtwood Smith, and Fontella Bass.

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Got a double dose from one of my favorite bands – something older and something newer. If ya never saw these guys live then you missed something good. There was a great vibe at every Radiators performance that can’t quite be captured on camera, tho these two clips come pretty darn close….

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What Happened – July 2

It was on this day in 1947 that something fell from the sky and crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. Was it a weather balloon, an experimental craft from the Air Force, or an alien spaceship? Whoever knows for sure ain’t talking about it….


The first event that Wiki says happened on this day is “626 – Li Shimin, the future Emperor Taizong of Tang, Emperor of China, ambushes and kills his rival brothers Li Yuanji and Li Jiancheng in the Incident at Xuanwu Gate” and the latest is “2010 – The South Kivu tank truck explosion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo kills at least 230 people.

A couple other things that also occurred on this day are:

1890 – Sherman Anti-Trust Act signed into law.
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1897 – Guglielmo Marconi patents the radio in England.

1962 – Sam Walton opens his first Wal-Mart store.


Happy birthday to Lindsay Lohan, Mark Hart, and Polly Holliday.

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What Happened – July 1

It was in this day in 1984 that the Motion Picture Association of America announced their new PG-13 rating. This addition was mostly due to two movies that were released as PG, but many parents found them to be too much for younger children. The warning for the PG-13 was originally stated as “Parents Are Strongly Cautioned to Give Special Guidance for Attendance of Children Under 13 – Some Material may be Inappropriate for Young Children.” The first movie to receive this rating was Red Dawn, released about one month later.

The earliest thing that Wiki says happened on this day is “69 – Tiberius Julius Alexander orders his Roman legions in Alexandria to swear allegiance to Vespasian as Emperor” and the most recent is “2008 – Rioting erupted in Mongolia in response to allegations of fraud surrounding the 2008 legislative elections.

A few other things that also happened on this day are:

1863 – Battle of Gettysburg begins.

1908 – The international community adopts SOS as a distress signal.

1943 – Income tax withholding takes effect in the US. (Prior to this people paid their taxes in full once a year.)

1959 – The US and the UK agree to specific values for the yard, the pound, and other various units of measurement.
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1963 – US Post Office starts using ZIP Codes.

1979 – The Sony Walkman is introduced to the public.


Happy birthday to Pamela Anderson, Roddy Bottum, Carl Lewis, Alan Ruck, Dan Aykroyd, Fred Schneider, Debbie Harry, Karen Black, Wally Amos, and Jamie Farr.



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What Happened – June 30

It was on this day in 1859 that Jean-François Gravelet (going by his stage name of “Charles Blondin”) became the first person to walk across the gorge at the bottom of Niagara Falls on a tightrope. About 5,000 people watched his 20 minute journey from American to Canadian soil. The acrobat would repeat the stunt several times over the next couple years, adding different elements like wearing a blindfold, riding a bicycle, walking on stilts, and pushing a wheelbarrow. (Not all at the same time. He was amazing, but not THAT amazing.) He also performed the feat twice while carrying someone on his back, and at least one time wheeled out a mini-stove in order to cook an omelet.

The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “350 – Roman usurper Nepotianus, of the Constantinian dynasty, is defeated and killed by troops of the usurper Magnentius, in Rome” and the most recent is “1997 – The United Kingdom transfers sovereignty over Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China.

A couple other things that also happened are:
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1971 – The 26th Amendment is ratified, changing the voting age to 18.

1994 – Tonya Harding is stripped of her national championship and banned for life from the US Figure Skating Association.

Wishes for a happy birthday go out to Michael Phelps, Tony Rock, Mike Tyson, Yngwie Malmsteen, Vincent D’Onofrio, David Alan Grier, Andy Scott, and Glenn Shorrock.

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What Happened – June 29

It was on this day in 1956 that President Eisenhower signed a bill into law that created the United States Interstate Highway System. He had first envisioned a better highway system across America when, as an officer in the Army, he took part in military convoy that traveled from Washington DC to San Francisco. That trip, which took place in 1919, was hindered by washed-out roads and broken bridges.  After the highways were completed the transcontinental road-trip that took two months was completed in two weeks.

The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “226 – Cao Pi dies after an illness; his son Cao Rui succeeds him as emperor of the Kingdom of Wei” while the most recent is “2007 – Two car bombs are found at Piccadilly Circus, in the heart of London.

A few other things that also took place on this day are:

1974 – Mikhail Baryshnikov, on tour in Canada, defects from the Soviet Union.

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2006 – US Supreme Court rules that it is illegal for Guantanamo Bay detainees to be tried in a military tribunal.

Happy birthday to Colin Hay, Richard Lewis, Fred Grandy, Don Dokken, Michael Carter, and Gary Busey.


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