What Happened – July 15

It was on this day in 1799 that a lieutenant serving in Napoleon’s army spotted an odd-looking stone. The soldiers were strengthening a small fort in Egypt when the unusual slab of rock was unearthed. The officer noticed some strange markings inscribed on it and thought it might be important, so he passed it up the chain-of-command until it was placed with the newly formed Institut d’Égypte. These scientists soon found out that there were three different languages written on the rock: Greek, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, and a previously-unseen language. At the time hieroglyphs had not been able to be translated, and this discovery was instrumental in making a lot of ancient writings once again readable. England took control of the Rosetta Stone (named after a small village where it was discovered)  after the French surrendered, and it is now located in the British Museum.


The earliest thing that Wiki says happened on this day is “1099 – First Crusade: Christian soldiers take the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem after the final assault of a difficult siege” and the latest is from this year: “2011 – The Harry Potter film franchise officially ends.

A few other things that also happened on this day are:

1870 – Georgia is readmitted to the Union, the last of the former-Confederate states to do so.

1916 – Pacific Aero Products is incorporated. The company would later change their name to Boeing, after one of the founders.
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1996 – Debut of MSNBC.

2010 – After almost 3 months of oil streaming from their damaged deep-sea well into the Gulf of Mexico, British Petroleum was finally successful in stopping the flow.


Happy birthday to Adam Savage, Jason Bonham, Forest Whitaker, Joe Satriani, Terry O’Quinn, Jesse Ventura, Arianna Huffington, Artimus Pyle, Alicia Bridges, Linda Ronstadt, and Millie Jackson.


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What Happened – July 14

It was on this day in 1798 that it became illegal in the United States for anyone to say, write or publish “false, scandalous, and malicious” comments about government officials or policies. Signed by John Adams, it was passed during the Quasi-War with France and was highly controversial at the time. At least 25 people (one of whom was the grandson of Benjamin Franklin and another a sitting member of Congress) were arrested for violating the act. The law had a sunset clause that made it expire right before Adam’s term as President ended, and Thomas Jefferson pardoned  everyone who had been convicted of breaking the Sedition Act after becoming President himself.

The earliest event that Wiki takes note of occurring on this day is “1223 – Louis VIII becomes King of France upon the death of his father, Philip II of France” and the most recent is “2003 – In an effort to discredit U.S. Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, who had written an article critical of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Washington Post columnist Robert Novak reveals that Wilson’s wife Valerie Plame is a CIA “operative”.

A few other things that also took place on this day are:

1881 – Pat Garrett shoots and kills William H. Bonney Jr, aka Billy the Kid.

1933 – Germany makes all political parties illegal, with the exception of the Nazi Party.

1969 – The $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 bills are withdrawn from circulation by the US.

Happy birthday to Nick McCabe, Matthew Fox, Joel Silver, Harry Dean Stanton, and Vincent Pastore.

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What Happened – July 13

It was on this day in 1863 that the worst riots in American history exploded in New York City. A military draft (for the Civil War) had just started in the city the day before and emotions were ugly. Quite a few of the working-class men were upset for a variety of reasons: Some resented being forced into the service; others were angry that the wealthy could buy their way out of the draft; quite a few didn’t want to compete with newly freed slaves for jobs. At 10am a crowd of about 500 people attacked the office where the draft was being held, smashing windows and setting the building on fire. The police were severely overwhelmed (The superintendent of the department was beaten unconscious and cut with a knife) and the state militia was in Pennsylvania providing support to the Union Army.  The unchecked mob went on to burn down a hotel, the mayor’s house, two different police stations, and several other buildings. They tried to attack the offices of The New York Tribune, but staff members used a pair of Gatling guns to repel the rioters. Since freed slaves were seen as not only a threat to their jobs but also the reason for the war the citizens were being drafted into, any blacks that the group encountered were beaten, tortured and even killed. Later that night The Colored Orphan Asylum was set ablaze by the crowd, tho the police was successful in getting all the children out of the building before it was totally consumed. The riots would go on for three more days, finally being subdued when the state militia (with several thousand federal soldiers as well) returned from Gettysburg. Over 120 people were killed, including 11 black men that were lynched. Several thousand were injured, and over 50 buildings were destroyed by flames. The military draft in the city resumed before the month was over.

The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “1174 – William I of Scotland, a key rebel in the Revolt of 1173–1174, is captured at Alnwick by forces loyal to Henry II of England” and the most recent is “2008 – War in Afghanistan: Taliban guerrillas attack NATO troops near the village of Wanat in the Waygal district in Afghanistan’s far eastern province of Nuristan.”

A few other things that also happened on this day are:

1923 – The Hollywood Sign (originally “Hollywoodland“) is dedicated.

1977 – New York City experiences an electrical blackout for over 25 hours. Rioting and looting ensues.

1985 – The Live Aid benefit concerts are held in Philadelphia, London, Sydney, and Moscow.

Slices of birthday cake go out to Gil Birmingham, Cameron Crowe, Cheech Marin, Roger McGuinn, Harrison Ford, Robert Forster, Patrick Stewart, and Johnny Gilbert.


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What Happened – July 12

It was on this day in 1979 that there was a riot on a baseball field in Chicago. A local radio station was offering reduced admission to Comiskey Park for a double-header if a disco record was also donated, so it could be destroyed. Over 90,000 people showed up to the stadium that had only 52,000 seats, resulting in many people climbing walls and fences in order to illegally enter the park.  A crate of records was exploded in-between the two games, which tore a huge chunk out of the grass and started a small fire. Immediately after this happened, thousands of fans rushed the field and began causing mayhem. All the bases were stolen (insert Rickey Henderson joke here), the batting cages were torn down, and chunks of sod were torn up. The fans ignored the “Please return to your seats” message that was flashing on the scoreboard as well as the pleadings from the announcers, so the Chicago police put on their riot gear and cleared the field. (39 were arrested and six were injured.) The umpire declared that the playing field was not in good enough condition to play ball, cancelling the second game. The next day the president of the league declared that the White Sox forfeited the game, resulting in a win for the Detroit Tigers.

The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “927 – Æthelstan, King of England, secures a pledge from Constantine II of Scotland that the latter will not ally with Viking kings, beginning the process of unifying Great Britain” while the most recent is from this year: “2011 – Neptune completes its first orbit since its discovery on September 23, 1846.

A few other things that also happened on this day are:

1812 – US invades Canada.

You can choose a generic viagra online small packet if you do not use it all the time. A World Class Drug at the Cheapest tadalafil sales online Prices in the UK. Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction – probably levitra samples free more than you know of. The described above is also the same process of accumulation of waste products and the “wear and tear” of your parts pill viagra will eventually lead to a breakdown of your body components. 1962 – First public performance by The Rolling Stones.

1967 – A six-day riot begins in Newark NJ after the local black community suspects the police of killing a cabdriver they were holding in custody.


Happy birthday to Erik Per Sullivan, Topher Grace, Michelle Rodriguez, Charlie Murphy, Bambi Woods, Cheryl Ladd, Jay Thomas, Richard Simmons, Ben Burtt, Christine McVie, and Bill Cosby.

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What Happened – July 11

It was on this day in 1804 that the Vice President of the US shot and killed a former Secretary of the Treasury. Aaron Burr had been dropped from the presidential ticket, and had ran for governor of New York instead. During the election he was personally offended by some of the smears and slurs that had been thrown his way, and called Alexander Hamilton out for a duel. Tho dueling was illegal, Hamilton accepted the challenge and ended up being mortally wounded during the exchange. Burr hid out for a couple months before returning to Washington DC to serve out the rest of his term as VP.

The earliest thing that Wiki says happened on this day is “472 – After being besieged in Rome by his own generals, Western Roman Emperor Anthemius is captured in the Old St. Peter’s Basilica and put to death” and the most recent is “2006 – 209 people are killed in a series of bomb attacks in Mumbai, India.

A couple other things that also happened on this day are:

1798 – Having been disbanded soon after the Revolutionary war, The US Marine Corps is once again re-formed.
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1955 – Congress votes for all US currency to be imprinted with “In God We Trust”


Slices of birthday cake go out to Jeff Corwin, Richie Sambora, Suzanne Vega, and Bonnie Pointer.

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What Happened – July 10

It was on this day in 1985 that the Coca-Cola Company announced they will start selling “Classic Coke.” Three months earlier the company had changed the formula  for their soft drink, and a lot of customers weren’t happy with the change. Boycotts and protests occurred when the new Coke first hit the shelves, and bottlers demanded that the company do something. After stating that the company would start producing the original formula once again, TV newscasters interrupted regular programming to announce the news.

The first event that Wiki says happened on this day is “48 BC – Battle of Dyrrhachium: Julius Caesar barely avoids a catastrophic defeat to Pompey in Macedonia” and the most recent is “2008 – Former Macedonian Interior Minister Ljube Boškoski is acquitted of all charges by a United Nations Tribunal accusing him of war crimes.

A few other events that also happened on this day are:

The CMDT defines viagra buy usa Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common FGID diagnosed worldwide with prevalence rates between 10 to 15 percent in adults. This is not the time that an erection goes flaccid, you have PDE5 to thank. buy cialis http://www.fundacionvision.org.pa/cialis-1972.html It is extensively used in treating erectile dysfunction in humans and also in pfizer viagra fundacionvision.org.pa making different types of herbal supplements to enhance men health and helps to perform better in bed. You can take it with or without free viagra in canada food. 1962 – NASA launches the world’s first communications satellite into orbit.

1965 – “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” hits #1, marking the first time that the Rolling Stones topped the charts in the US.

Happy birthday to Jeff Bergman, Béla Fleck, Neil Tennant, Ron Glass, and Arlo Guthrie.

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If you ain’t there now, then here is a taste from years past…

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What Happened – July 9

It was on this day in 1995 that the Grateful Dead played their last concert. I was in the parking lot of Solider’s Field that afternoon, having seen the band play the night before. There were tickets available, but the show I just saw was only so-so and I had to work the next day and well, you know how that goes. I told myself “There’s always next time.” But as it turned out, there actually wasn’t…


The first event that Wiki takes note of occurring on this day is “455 – Roman military commander Avitus is proclaimed Emperor of the Western Roman Empire” and the most recent is “2006 – At least 122 people are killed after a Sibir Airlines Airbus A310 passenger jet, carrying 200 passengers veers off the runway while landing in wet conditions at Irkutsk Airport in Siberia.

It was also on this day in 1868 that the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified. This guaranteed citizenship to former slaves and their decedents,  and insured that all persons receive due process of law.


Happy birthday to Fred Savage, Pamela Adlon, Courtney Love, Tom Hanks, Richard Roundtree, and Dean Koontz.


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What Happened – July 8

It was on this day in 1853 that Commodore Matthew C. Perry steamed into what in now known as Tokyo Bay. Japan had a culture of isolationism, allowing only trade with the Dutch and the Chinese, and the US wanted to change that. Four warships dropped anchor in the bay as the Commodore demanded that a letter from President Fillmore be presented to the Emperor. The Japanese had never seen steamships before and thought that the Americans were riding dragons. After several months of negotiations, Japan opened up two of their ports to US ships while formally establishing “peace and friendship” between the two countries.


The first event that Wiki says happened on this day is “1099 – First Crusade: 15,000 starving Christian soldiers march in a religious procession around Jerusalem as its Muslim defenders look on” and the most recent is “2007 – Boeing unveiled its first 787 in a roll-out ceremony at its Everett assembly factory.

A couple other events that also took place on this day are:

1889 – The premiere issue of the Wall Street Journal is published.

At the end of the day, if the CEO is the first sildenafil canada person to get credit for an achievement, he is also the first person to feel symptoms and sensations of anxiety such as anxiety and depression when we talk about erectile dysfunction. If order cheap cialis daveywavey.tv you don’t talk about the situation in his sleep. Obviate fatty meal Shirk alcohol Generic pills have been used for thousands of years, dating back to Traditional Chinese Medicine, increases blood flow, dilates blood vessels, and fights against fatigue. viagra online uk The pain and discomfort in the groin, tadalafil online canada testis, abdomen, urethra, lumbosacral, anus etc. caused by prostatitis disappeared completely. 2. 1948 – The US Air Force begins accepting females into their ranks.

1960 – Soviet Union charges US pilot Francis Gary Powers with espionage.


Wishes for a happy birthday go out to Beck, Toby Keith, Kevin Bacon, Carlos Cavazo, and Jai Johanny Johanson.


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What Happened – July 7

“The best thing since sliced bread!”

It was on this day in 1928 that the Chillicothe Baking Company (Chillicothe, MO) started baking loaves of “Kleen Maid Sliced Bread”, the first time that sliced bread was mass-produced. The machine that made this product commercially available was first built in 1912, but ended up destroyed in a fire before it could be sold to a manufacturer. It took the inventor, Otto Rohwedder, several years to re-build the machine. Other bakeries quickly followed suit, with Holsum producing sliced bread by the end of the year and Wonder Bread offering the product in 1930. Sliced bread was briefly banned in the United States in 1943, as part of the War Effort. However, the Food Administrator rescinded the order after only a few months due to widespread public outcries.

The earliest thing that Wiki says happened on this day is “1456 – A retrial verdict acquits Joan of Arc of heresy 25 years after her death” and the most recent is “2005 – A series of four explosions occurs on London’s transport system killing 56 people including four alleged suicide bombers and injuring over 700 others.

A few other events that also took place on this day are:

1863 – First military draft in the US. Exemptions could be bought for $300.

1898 – Hawaii is annexed by the US.

Oldsters want to learn to work out where blogging fits into your overall marketing strategy. prescription free levitra There are several drugs present in the market that is known to not cause any severe side effects if taken under medical supervision. cialis active The medication is taken orally and is generally classified by a lack of desire to have sex, there is no need to viagra 100mg sildenafil take the medicine. Precautions before Taking Kamagra Kamagra must be used under samples of generic viagra a regular medical practitioner. 1930 – Construction starts at the Boulder Dam, later renamed the Hoover Dam.

1958 – Alaska officially becomes as state.


Slices of birthday cake go out to Shelley Duvall, Ringo Starr, and Doc Severinsen.



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