Some thoughts for this year’s Labor Day


“Labor Day is traditionally a time for picnics and parades. But this year is no picnic for American workers, and a protest march would be more appropriate than a parade. Not only are 25 million unemployed or underemployed, but American companies continue to cut wages and benefits. The median wage is still dropping, adjusted for inflation. CEO pay, meanwhile, has soared. The median value of salaries, bonuses and long-term incentive awards for CEOs at 350 big American companies surged 11 percent last year to $9.3 million. The ratio of corporate profits to wages is now higher than at any time since just before the Great Depression.


“You say you’re working harder than you ever have
You say you’ve got two jobs and so’s your wife
Living in the richest country in the world
Wouldn’t you think you’d have a better life?


“Over the last decade, the share of U.S. national income taken home by workers has plummeted to a record low. Why are workers taking home such a reduced share of the pie? Opinions differ, but many experts think that the trend has to do with a number of factors, including a decline in the bargaining power of labor, and increased competition from foreign workers. Similarly, over the last year or so, U.S. companies have made record profits, while unemployment has stayed high and wages have barely risen.


Money speaks for money, the Devil for his own
Who comes to speak for the skin and the bone?
What a comfort to the widow, a light to the child
There is power in a Union.

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“Look back over the last hundred years and you’ll see the pattern. During periods when the very rich took home a much smaller proportion of total income — as in the Great Prosperity between 1947 and 1977 — the nation as a whole grew faster and median wages surged. We created a virtuous cycle in which an ever growing middle class had the ability to consume more goods and services, which created more and better jobs, thereby stoking demand. The rising tide did in fact lift all boats.

During periods when the very rich took home a larger proportion — as between 1918 and 1933, and in the Great Regression from 1981 to the present day — growth slowed, median wages stagnated and we suffered giant downturns. It’s no mere coincidence that over the last century the top earners’ share of the nation’s total income peaked in 1928 and 2007 — the two years just preceding the biggest downturns.

The real reason for America’s Great Regression was political. As income and wealth became more concentrated in fewer hands, American politics reverted to what Marriner S. Eccles, a former chairman of the Federal Reserve, described in the 1920s, when people “with great economic power had an undue influence in making the rules of the economic game.” With hefty campaign contributions and platoons of lobbyists and public relations spinners, America’s executive class has gained lower tax rates while resisting reforms that would spread the gains from growth.

Reviving the middle class requires that we reverse the nation’s decades-long trend toward widening inequality.


“In the squares of the city
In the shadow of the steeple
Near the relief office
I see my people
And some are grumblin’
And some are wonderin’
If this land is still made for you and me.


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What Happened – September 5

It was on this day in 1698 that the Tsar of Russia shaved the beard off his commander of the army. Peter the Great had just returned from a two-year tour of Europe, and he wished to “modernize” the royal court. All the noblemen, with the exception of his own guardian, was soon devoid of whiskers as he personally took a razor to them. This was a big deal for the faithful, as the Orthodox Church had recently decreed “Shaving the beard is a sin the blood of all martyrs will not wash away.”  A few years later he would order all the men in his country, with the exception of the clergy, to be clean shaven unless they paid a special tax. Those who wished to grow facial hair were given a token like the one pictured above, inscribed with the words “the beard is a superfluous burden“, to prove they had paid the required fee.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “1590 – Alexander Farnese’s army forces Henry IV of France to raise the siege of Paris” while the most recent is “2005 – Mandala Airlines Flight 091 crashes into a heavily populated residential of Sumatra, Indonesia, killing 104 people on board and at least 39 persons on ground.


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1774 – The first Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia.

1966 – Jerry Lewis hosts the 1st national Muscular Dystrophy Labor Day telethon and raises over $1,000,000.


Wishes for a happy birthday go out to Brad Wilk, Michael Keaton, Al Stewart, Raquel Welch, and Bob Newhart.

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What Happened – September 4

It was on this day in 1950 that the comic strip “Beetle Bailey” first appeared in print. Originally set at the fictional Rockview University, the main character would join the Army less than a year later and has been stationed at Camp Swampy ever since. Mort Walker, the creator, still oversees production of the daily strip.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “476 – Romulus Augustulus, last emperor of the Western Roman Empire, is deposed when Odoacerproclaims himself King of Italy, thus ending the Western Roman Empire” while the most recent is “2010 – Canterbury earthquake: a 7.1 magnitude earthquake which struck the South Island of New Zealand at 4:35 am causing widespread damage and several power outages.


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1781- Spanish settlers establish the city of El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora La Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula, later renamed Los Angeles.

1888 – George Eastman registers “Kodak” as a trademark for his new camera.


Happy birthday to Wes Bentley, Damon Wayans, Dr. Drew, Blackie Lawless, Martin Chambers, and Gary Duncan.

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Raise your hand Sunny

Heard about this news story and one of my first thoughts was “Was Tom Jones in the area?” Then I read about him being in the hospital, and I wondered what exactly it was that exhausted him.

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What Happened – September 3

“My free life began on the third of September, 1838.”

It was on this day in 1838 that Frederick Douglass boarded a train in Baltimore, starting his escape to freedom. The 18 year old slave had been hired out by his master to work in the shipyards as a caulker. Douglass managed to acquire the papers of a freeman as well as the clothes of a sailor, thus enabling him to safely travel north. He would go on to become a tireless activist for ending slavery, as well as women’s suffrage and other social causes.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “36 BC – In the Battle of Naulochus, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, admiral of Octavian, defeats Sextus Pompeius, son of Pompey, thus ending Pompeian resistance to the Second Triumvirate” and the most recent is “2004 – Beslan school hostage crisis – day 3: the Beslan hostage crisis ends with the deaths of over 300 people, more than half of which are children.


A few other things that also happened on this day are:
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1783 – Great Britain and the United States sign the Treaty of Paris, ending the Revolutionary War.

1976 – Viking 2 lands on Mars and starts sending color photographs back to Earth.

1995 – Pierre Omidyar puts an online auction service on his personal webpage. The first item that is sold is a broken laser pointer; he will later name his company “eBay”.


Happy birthday to Charlie Sheen, Steve Schirripa, Al Jardine, and Mort Walker.

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What Happened – September 2

It was on this day in 1944 that Lt JG George Bush got his plane shot out from under him. He was flying a TBM Avenger, assigned to the carrier USS San Jacinto in the North Pacific. The aircraft was hit as he started his bombing run on a Japanese radio station, but he was able to drop his payload and fly back over the ocean before having to bail out. Once in the water, he inflated a rubber raft as a Japanese boat raced to capture him.  A fellow pilot sank the enemy by strafing it, and the submarine Finback picked the future President up a few hours later.

Speaking of Presidents named Bush…it was on this day in 2005 that George W. Bush made the now-infamous comment “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job” to the head of FEMA, Micheal Brown, while looking over the damage caused from Hurricane Katrina. Brown would resign from the agency less than two weeks later due to complaints about his handling of the emergency.

There are two events that Wiki says are the earliest things that happened on this day in 44 BC: “Pharaoh Cleopatra VII of Egypt declares her son co-ruler as Ptolemy XV Caesarion” and “Cicero launches the first of his Philippics (oratorical attacks) on Mark Antony. He will make 14 of them over the following months.” They also take note of two events in 1998 as being the most recent: “Swissair Flight 111 crashes near Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia. All 229 people on board are killed” and “The UN’s International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda finds Jean Paul Akayesu, the former mayor of a small town in Rwanda, guilty of nine counts of genocide.

A couple other other things that also took place on this day are:

1789 – The US Department of the Treasury is established. Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary, would be sworn into office nine days later.

1971 – Lenny Hart, a former manager for the Grateful Dead as well as the father of the percussionist, is arrested. He had disappeared the year before with over $100,000 of the bands money.

Wishes for a happy birthday go out to MC Chris, Cynthia Watros, Salma Hayek, Keanu Reeves, Terry Bradshaw, Guy Laliberté, and Michael Gray.

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What Happened – September 1

It was on this day in 1859 that our Sun let loose with a massive solar flare. The eruption of energy took less than 18 hours to reach Earth, a journey that usually takes about 4 days. The effect was felt all over the world as telegraphs started shorting themselves out, and in some cases catching fire. Several operators then discovered that they could continue to send and receive messages, even though the batteries had been disconnected. The Solar Superstorm also resulted in the Aurora Borealis being seen in areas far south of where that phenomenon can usually be viewed. These effects would continue on for the next 48 hours.


The first event that Wiki says happened on this day is “462 – Possible start of first Byzantine indiction cycle” while the most recent is “2004 – Beslan school hostage crisis commences when armed terrorists take children and adults hostage in Beslan in North Ossetia, Russia.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:
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1939 -Germany invades Poland, starting WWII.

1969 – Muammar Gaddafi becomes the leader of Libya after a military coup.


Happy birthday to Gloria Estefan, Barry Gibb, Greg Errico, and Lily Tomlin.

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What Happened – August 31

It was on this day in 1939 that seven Nazi commandos, wearing Polish uniforms and with a prisoner alongside, attacked a radio station in Germany. The three engineers on duty were quickly subdued, and one team member then started broadcasting a message (in Polish) that the area was being annexed by Poland for “just claims.” The captive, who had arrested the day before and was known in the community as favoring the Poles, was shot in the head and left on the station’s front steps. The SS team then continued on to a forestry station, where they smeared ox blood on the walls, and then onto a customs house, where several dead bodies of prisoners from a nearby concentration camp were left. The very next day German tanks rolled into Poland, with Hitler using these examples of “Polish aggression” as justification.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “1056 – After a sudden illness a few days previous, Byzantine Empress Theodora, dies without children to succeed the throne, thus ending the Macedonian dynasty” and the most recent is “2010 – The last episode of The Bill, the longest-running police procedural television series in the United Kingdom, is aired on ITV1.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:
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1888 – The body of Jack the Ripper’s first victim, 43-year old Mary Ann Nichols, is found in front of a stable door.

1957 – Elvis Presley’s last appearance outside the USA takes place at the Empire Stadium in Vancouver.

2006 – Norwegian police recover two paintings, The Scream and Madonna, after they had been stolen two years earlier.


Happy birthday to Chris Tucker, Glenn Tilbrook, Gina Schock, Richard Gere, Rudolf Schenker, Van Morrison, and Jerry Allison.

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What Happened – August 30

It was on this day in 1945 that Gen. MacArthur arrived in Toyko and started organizing his occupational headquarters.  One of his first acts as Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers was coordinating efforts to get food and water to starving civilians. He would remain in Japan until being relieved of duty in 1951.



Meanwhile, it was also on this day in 1945 that the Allied Control Council came into existence.  Composed of military leaders from the US, England, Soviet Union, and France this council would be in charge of occupied Germany. Some of the first actions were abolishing all of the laws that had been enacted by the Nazis as well as a campaign against sexually transmitted diseases. This ruling committee would dissolve in 1948 when the Soviet member walked out of a meeting and never returned.


The first thing that Wiki says happened on this day is “1363 – Beginning date of the Battle of Lake Poyang; the forces of two Chinese rebel leaders — Chen Youliang and Zhu Yuanzhang — are pitted against each other in what is one of the largest naval battles in history, during the last decade of the ailing, Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty” while the most recent is “2010 – The first shooting spree in Slovakia’s history takes place in Bratislava.


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1956 – The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, the longest bridge in the world, opens in Louisiana.

1963 – The hotline between Moscow and Washington DC is completed.

1993 – “The Late Show with David Letterman” premieres on CBS.


Happy birthday to Cameron Diaz, Timothy Bottoms, Robert Crumb, Lewis Black, Kitty Wells, Warren Buffett, and Bill Daily.


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