What Happened – September 20

It was on this day in 1970 that the unmanned Soviet probe Luna 16 landed on the moon. An hour after touching down a drill was extended and soil samples were collected. The following day the spacecraft would launch itself off the moon’s surface and return home to the USSR, becoming the first unmanned craft to collect lunar rocks and bring them back to Earth.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “1058 – Agnes de Poitou and Andrew I of Hungary met to negotiate about the border-zone in present-day Burgenland” and the latest is “2008 – A dump truck full of explosives detonates in front of the Marriott hotel in Islamabad, Pakistan, killing 54 people and injuring 266 others.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:

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1984 –  First episode of The Cosby Show.

2001 – President Bush, appearing before a joint session of Congress, declares a “War on Terror.


Happy birthday to Jon Bernthal, Chuck Panozzo, and Sophia Loren.

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What Happened – September 19

It was on this day in 1952 that J. Edgar Hoover arranged for the Immigration and Naturalization Service to revoke a re-entry permit into the US for Charlie Chaplin, who had just departed the country and was aboard a ship enroute to England. The House Un-American Activities Committee and Senator McCarthy had been investigating him due to his associations with various left-wing causes and Chaplin was one of the 300 people that were blacklisted by Hollywood studios for suspected ties to communism. Chaplin, who was a British citizen, would later state “Although I am not a Communist I refused to fall in line by hating them.” He would return to America only one more time in his life; in 1972 Chaplin received a special Oscar from Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and was allowed into the US to accept it despite the objections of the FBI.


The first event that Wiki says happened on this day is “335 – Flavius Dalmatius is raised to the rank of Caesar by his uncle Constantine I” and the most recent is “2006 – The Thai military stages a coup in Bangkok. The Constitution is revoked and martial law is declared.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:

1970 – First episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show is broadcast.

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1982 – The first emoticons are posted online. Scott Fahlman, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, uses “:-)” and “:-( ” to depict a smile and a frown.

1995 – The Unabomber’s manifesto is published by the Washington Post and The New York Times.


Happy birthday to Lita Ford, Randolph Mantooth, Bill Medley, and Adam West.


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What Happened – September 18

It was on this day in 1793 that the groundbreaking ceremony for the US Capitol was held. Dressed in full Masonic garb, President Washington laid down the cornerstone. The Senate Wing would be completed in 1800, with the House’s chambers finished in 1811. However, the British would burn the building in 1814 and thus it wouldn’t be completed until 1826. Expansions occurred in 1850 and 1958.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “96 – Nerva is proclaimed Roman Emperor after Domitian is assassinated” and the most recent is “2009 – The 72 year run of the soap opera The Guiding Light ends as its final episode is broadcast.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:

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1927 – 16 radio stations go on the air as the Columbia Broadcasting System.

1965 – The first episodes of I Dream of Jeannie and Get Smart are broadcast.

2001 – The New York Post and Tom Brokaw each receive letters that contain anthrax.


Happy birthday to James Gandolfini, P.F. Sloan, Frankie Avalon, and June Foray.

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What Happened – September 17

At the peremptory request and desire of a large majority of the citizens of these United States, I, Joshua Norton, formerly of Algoa Bay, Cape of Good Hope, and now for the last 9 years and 10 months past of S. F., Cal., declare and proclaim myself Emperor of these U. S.; and in virtue of the authority thereby in me vested, do hereby order and direct the representatives of the different States of the Union to assemble in Musical Hall, of this city, on the 1st day of Feb. next, then and there to make such alterations in the existing laws of the Union as may ameliorate the evils under which the country is laboring, and thereby cause confidence to exist, both at home and abroad, in our stability and integrity.

It was on this day in 1859 that Joshua Norton declared himself Emperor of the United States. Born in England, he was a successful businessman in San Francisco before being forced to declare bankruptcy. He then left the city for a couple years, and the above proclamation was sent to several local newspapers shortly after he returned to the Bay Area. Over the course of the next twenty years he would issue many more decrees, some of which were the dissolution of Congress, outlawing both the Republican & Democratic parties, and a law against anyone calling his adopted hometown “Frisco.” He would often be seen during the day walking the streets and inspecting his empire. The Emperor was well-received by the people of San Francisco, with restaurants offering him free meals so they could display signs stating that he had eaten there & balcony seats being given to him for the opening night of plays and musicals. He paid the few bills he had by issuing his own money (which are now considered valuable collectors items) that local businesses were eager to accept. His obituary appeared on the front page of San Francisco Chronicle in 1880, with the headline “Le Roi est Mort”


The first thing that Wiki takes note of occurring on this day is “1111 – Highest Galician nobility led by Pedro Fróilaz de Traba and the bishop Diego Gelmírez crown Alfonso VII as ‘King of Galicia’ ” while the latest is “2007 – AOL, once the largest ISP in the U.S., officially announces plans to refocus the company as an advertising business and to relocate its corporate headquarters from Dulles, Virginia to New York, New York.


A few other events that also happened on this day are:

1630 – Boston is founded by Puritan colonists.

1787 – The US Constitution is signed by the Constitutional Convention and sent to the Congress (meeting under the Articles of Confederation) for approval.

1916 – Manfred von Richthofen, aka The Red Baron, shoots down his first enemy plane.

1972 – First episode of M.A.S.H. is broadcast.


Happy birthday to Wendy Northcutt, Rita Rudner, Charles Martinet, Cassandra Peterson, David Souter, Thomas Stafford, and David Huddleston.

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What Happened – September 16

It was just after noon on this day in 1920 that a horse-drawn wagon, filled with dynamite and iron slugs, exploded in front of the JP Morgan building in NYC. 38 people are killed and over 400 injured. A couple days later a group calling themselves the “American Anarchist Fighters” claimed responsibility, but despite a three-year long investigation no arrests were ever made.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “307 – Severus II is captured and imprisoned at Tres Tabernae. He is later executed (or forced to commit suicide) after Emperor Galerius unsuccessfully invades Italy.” while the most recent are two from 2007: “One-Two-GO Airlines Flight 269 carrying 128 crew and passengers crashes in Thailand killing 89 people” and “Mercenaries working for Blackwater Worldwide allegedly shoot and kill 17 Iraqi civilians in Nisour Square, Baghdad; all criminal charges against them are later dismissed, sparking outrage in the Arab world.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:

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1919 – Congress grants a national charter to the American Legion.

1972 – Premiere episode of The Bob Newhart Show.


Wishes for a happy birthday go out to Richard Marx, Victory Tischler-Blue, David Copperfield, Mickey Rourke, David Bellamy, Kenney Jones, Ron Blair, Bernie Calvert, B. B. King, and Lauren Bacall.

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What Happened – September 15

It was on this day in 1965 that Ford started to offer an 8-track tape player as a factory-installed option on some of their vehicles, the first automobile manufacturer to do so. RCA initially had about 175 albums from their catalog available in the new format, but they were only sold at auto parts stores, as 8-track equipment for the home wouldn’t be available for another year.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “668 – Eastern Roman Emperor Constans II is assassinated in his bath at Syracuse, Italy” and the most recent is “2008 – Lehman Brothers files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:

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1959 – Nikita Khrushchev visits the US, the first leader of the USSR to do so.

1981 – Sandra Day O’Connor is approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee, becoming the first female justice on the Supreme Court.


Happy birthday to Bruce Reitherman, Kelly Keagy, Oliver Stone, Tommy Lee Jones, and Signe Toly Anderson.

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What Happened – September 14

It was on this day in 1955 that Little Richard said “a-wop-bop-a-loo-bop-a-lop-bam-boom.” He was in New Orleans to record a new album and had gone to a nearby tavern for lunch. While there he sat down at a piano and started playing a rather lewd ditty. His producer, who was eating with the musician, liked the song so much that he encourgaed the artist to “clean it up” in order to record it. With only 15 minutes of studio time left,  the tracks were laid down for Tutti-Frutti, becoming one of Little Richard’s biggest hits.


The first event that Wiki takes note of happening on this day is “81 – Domitian becomes Emperor of the Roman Empire upon the death of his brother Titus” and the most recent is “2008 – All 88 people on board Aeroflot Flight 821 when the plane crashes on approach to Perm Airport.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:
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1814 – After watching the British bombard American forces, Francis Scott Key starts to write a poem he entitles Defence of Fort McHenry.  It is later used as the lyrics for the United State’s national anthem.

1959 – Luna 2, a Soviet space probe, becomes the first man-made object to reach the moon.

1960 – Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela band together to form the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.


Happy birthday to Wendy Thomas, Ed King, Jon Bauman, and Walter Koenig.

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