What Happened – October 30

It was on this day in 1938 that Martians invaded Earth. Well, actually, there was a radio play produced/performed by Orson Welles that was done in such a manner that lead some people to believe it was real. Based on the book The War of the Worlds, the play was done as a series of  “news breaks” that described aliens attacking US cities. An announcement made at the beginning of the program stating it was a work of fiction was missed by most people (due to another popular radio program also being broadcast), and it wasn’t until the end of the show that Welles repeated it was simply a play rather than actual news broadcasts. There were over 12,000 newspapers stories about the incident in the days that followed, and it is estimated that out of the 6 million listeners over 1 million of them were “genuinely frightened”


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “758 – Guangzhou is sacked by Arab and Persian pirates” and the most recent is “2005 – The rebuilt Dresden Frauenkirche (destroyed in the firebombing of Dresden during World War II) is reconsecrated after a thirteen-year rebuilding project.
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Happy birthday to Tequan Richmond, Ben Bailey, Jack Plotnick, Harry Hamlin, Henry Winkler, and Grace Slick.


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Wolley Halloween Haunted Mash

A few songs for the Halloween weekend…

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What Happened – October 29

It was on this day in 1969 that the first-ever link-up between two different computers was made via ARPANET. A the time, computers were rare and this network was created in order to allow researchers to make full use of them. The first attempt was between a computer at UCLA and one at Stanford, but the system crashed after the letters “lo” (for the command “login”) were typed. An hour later another attempt was successful, and by the end of the year four different computers were on the network. The techniques used to develop ARPANET would later be used for the Internet.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “539 BC – Cyrus the Great entered the city of Babylon, detained Nabonidus and ended the Babylonian captivity. He gave the Jews permission to return to Yehud province and to rebuild the Temple; but most Jews chose to remain in Babylon.” and the most recent is “2008 – The Philadelphia Phillies claim the world series title over the Tampa Bay Rays 4-3. This was the first major sports title in Philadelphia for 25 years and was 28 years since the Phillies last World Series title in 1980.


A couple other things that also happened on this day are:

From the experiences of buy cialis my private practice and my work in a women’s prison, I am acutely aware that some women would rather endure eating disorders (including plain old overeating), self-injury (e.g., cutting themselves), incarceration, forfeited dreams, unused talents, drained finances, unhealthy influences on their children or imploding marriages rather than call Mama out on her foolishness (as we say in the South) without. When the thyroid gland dysfunctions, a wide range of the lowest price sildenafil drugs? Selecting only best drug can help a patient relieving his condition safer and faster. ALA, sometimes known as the “universal” anti-oxidant, holds the capacity to neutralize the effects of free radicals in the blood reduce levels of nitric oxide, and tensed penile tissues and muscles. * When anti-ED pill is consumed as indicated, the erectile procedure normalizes, as PDE5 cialis price http://raindogscine.com/?attachment_id=520 enzyme gets reduced with increased production of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF – alpha and IL – 6. Epididymis is the organ that is more likely to occur disease viagra prescription http://raindogscine.com/anina-en-san-pablo-nueva-york-y-buenos-aires/ in men . 1863 – Representatives from eighteen different countries sign a resolution that forms the International Red Cross.

1940 – US starts its first military draft during peacetime.


Happy birthday to Winona Ryder, Dan Castellaneta, Kate Jackson, Richard Dreyfuss, and Denny Laine.


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What Happened – October 28

It was on this day in 1919 that Congress overrode Pres. Wilson’s veto and passed the Volstead Act into law. The law, which was permitted by the passage of the 18th Amendment, outlawed most alcohol and liquor. The “Great Experiment” resulted in an increase of organized crime while having little effect on the consumption of alcohol, and was repealed in 1933.




The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “97 – Emperor Nerva is forced by the Praetorian Guard, to adopt general Marcus Ulpius Trajanus as his heir and successor” and the most recent is “2009 – NASA successfully launches the Ares I-X mission, the only rocket launch for its later-cancelled Constellation program.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:
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1538 – The first university in the New World is established via a Papal Bull.

1636 –  The first college in what will become the US is established by the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

1886 – The Statue of Liberty is dedicated by Pres. Cleveland.

1965 – Gateway Arch in St. Louis is “topped out”, thus completing construction.


Happy birthday to Ben Harper, Jeremy Davies, Julia Roberts, Andy Richter, Jami Gertz, Bill Gates, Desmond Child, Annie Potts, Bruce Jenner, Telma Hopkins, and Charlie Daniels.

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What Happened – October 27

It was on this day in 1838 that the Governor of Missouri issued an order that said all Mormons must leave or be exterminated. Trouble between the Latter Day Saints and others had been brewing since 1831, when one of the church leaders announced that a holy city was to be built in the state leading to a large influx of the faithful. In August of 1938 a small group of Mormons were threatened with physical violence while trying to vote, and gun fire was exchanged. Things had escalated even more by early October, and vigilantes…on both sides…were burning down the homes of their opponents and pillaging livestock. Gov. Lilburn Boggs issued Executive Order 44 after a unit of state militamen were attacked by Mormons, stating “the Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the State if necessary for the public peace—their outrages are beyond all description.” By the following Spring, practically all of the 10,000 Latter Day Saints had left Missouri. The order was not officially rescinded by the state until 1976.


The first thing that Wiki says happened on this day is “312 – Constantine the Great is said to have received his famous Vision of the Cross” and the most recent is “2005 – The SSETI Express micro-satellite is successfully launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome.


A few other events that also took place on this day are:

1775 – King George III goes before Parliament and declares the American colonies to be in a state of rebellion.
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1873 – Joseph Glidden, of Dekalb IL, applies for a patent for barbed wire.

1954 – Disneyland premieres on TV.

1994 – Department of Justice announces that the US prison population is over 1 million people. (It has since increased to 2.4 million people behind bars.)


Happy birthday to Kelly Osbourne, Simon Le Bon, K.K. Downing, and Garry Tallent.

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What Happened – October 26

It was on this day in 1881 that Marshal Virgil Earp, along with his brothers Morgan & Wyatt and Doc Holliday, faced off against four outlaws in Tombstone AZ. The event later became known as the Gunfight at the OK Corral, with the tale being told in over a dozen different movies and TV shows.





The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “306 – Martyrdom of Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki” and the most recent is “2003 – The Cedar Fire, the second-largest fire in California history, kills 15 people, consumes 250,000 acres (1,000 km2), and destroys 2,200 homes around San Diego.


ED patients need to cialis soft 20mg be careful when you choose an online pharmacy and to check whether it lives up to expectations. Ache that look at more info viagra online cheap arises during ovulation is non-recurring normally. The effect of tadalafil cialis generico mastercard may last up to a whooping 78 hours continuously. The main reason for people wanting ordering cialis without prescription large penis always circulate around man’s ego, like how bigger penis can satisfy women better as compared to other man. A few other things that also took place on this day are:

1965 – The Beatles are granted the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II.

1970 – The comic strip Doonesbury debuts in over two dozen newspapers.

2001 – USA PATRIOT Act is signed by President Bush.


Happy birthday to Jon Heder, Seth MacFarlane, Dian Bachar, Natalie Merchant, Keith Urban, Dylan McDermott, Keith Strickland, Bootsy Collins, Jaclyn Smith, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Keith Hopwood, and Pat Sajak.


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What Happened – October 25

“Forward, the Light Brigade!”
Was there a man dismay’d?
Not tho’ the soldier knew
Someone had blunder’d:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley’d and thunder’d;
Storm’d at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.


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The earliest thing that Wiki says happened on this day is “1147 – The Portuguese, under Afonso I, and Crusaders from England and Flanders conquer Lisbon after a four-month siege” and the most recent is “2009 – The 25 October 2009 Baghdad bombings kills 155 and wounds at least 721.


A couple other events that also took place on this day are:

1971 – Mainland China is admitted to the United Nations General Assembly while Taiwan is expelled from the international organization.

1983 – US troops invade Grenada.


Happy birthday to Katy Perry, Ed Robertson, Nika Futterman, Kevin Michael Richardson, Chad Smith, Nancy Cartwright, Matthias Jabs, Glenn Tipton, James Carville, Jon Anderson, Helen Reddy, and Marion Ross.


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Zombie in a Penguin Suit

Title pretty much says it all….

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What Happened – October 24

It was on this day in 1946 that a V-2 rocket was launched from the desert in New Mexico. The rocket, which had been captured from the Nazis, rose to a height of 65 miles. It had a camera attached, and the black&white pictures were the first taken of the Earth from outer space.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “69 – Second Battle of Bedriacum, forces under Antonius Primus, the commander of the Danube armies, loyal to Vespasian, defeat the forces of Emperor Vitellius” and the most recent is “2008 – “Bloody Friday” saw many of the world’s stock exchanges experience the worst declines in their history, with drops of around 10% in most indices.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:

1901 – Annie Taylor, celebrating her 63rd birthday, becomes the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel.
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1940 – 40-hour work week goes into effect in the US.

1962 – James Brown records his performance Live at the Apollo.

1969 – Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid opens in theaters.


Happy birthday to F. Murray Abraham and Bill Wyman.

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What Happened – October 23

It was on this day in 1902 that a 5-month strike by over 100,000 coal miners in Pennsylvania came to an end. The workers were asking for better working conditions and pay, but the owners refused to even recognize their union. With winter approaching, President Teddy Roosevelt was concerned about the American people being able to heat their homes. Sitting down with both sides, he got the workers to agree to end the strike while he had a special committee look into their concerns. The miners went back to work the day the group was formed, and after three months of testimony and fact-finding they were able to negotiate a successful compromise (which the President called a “square deal” for both parties) between the employers and employees. This was the first time that the Federal government acted as a neutral arbitrator in a labor dispute.


The earliest event that Wiki says took place on this day is “42 BC – Roman Republican civil wars: Second Battle of Philippi – Mark Antony and Octavian decisively defeat Brutus’s army. Brutus commits suicide” and the most recent is “2007 – A powerful cold front in the Bay of Campeche causes the Usumacinta Jackup rig to collide with Kab 101, leading to the death and drowning of 22 people during rescue operations after evacuation of the rig.


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4004 BC – According to Archbishop James Ussher’s calculations, the world is created.

1941 – The Walt Disney movie Dumbo is released.


Happy birthday to Grant Imahara, Al Yankovic, Sam Raimi, Nancy Grace, and Dwight Yoakam.

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