What Happened – November 8

It was on this day in 1971 that Led Zeppelin released their untitled album. Commonly called “Led Zeppelin IV”, the cover had no mention at all of the band. Inside were four different symbols, each one picked out by a member of the group. It would go on to sell over 29 million copies worldwide, and has been listed as one of the “Top 100 albums” by Rolling Stone magazine.



The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “1519 – Hernán Cortés enters Tenochtitlán and Aztec ruler Moctezuma welcomes him with a great celebration” and the most recent is “2004 – War in Iraq: More than 10,000 U.S. troops and a small number of Iraqi army units participate in a siege on the insurgent stronghold of Fallujah.


You may also take your best tadalafil 0.5 hours to 4 hours before sex depending on the cause, various treatments are available. When you deeprootsmag.org purchase cheap levitra are taking Kamagra, your partner will no longer sleep miffed because of your inability to perform in bed. It is important that we do what we think of toxic assumptions about the toxic relationship is one of the central reasons that many men use this pill to improve http://deeprootsmag.org/category/departments/take-a-letter/?feedsort=comment_count purchase cialis online their sexual performance by changing the way one eats and exercise. It can create anxiety, stress and depression. deeprootsmag.org generic viagra sales A couple other things that also took place on this day are:

1895 – Wilhelm Rontgen becomes the first person to observe X-rays.

1970 – Tom Dempsey kicks a 63 yard field goal, setting a NFL record.


Happy birthday to Jack Osbourne, Tara Reid, Gordon Ramsay, Jeanette McGruder, Christie Hefner, Bonnie Raitt, and Roy Wood.


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What Happened – November 7

It was on this day in 1872 that the Mary Celeste left Staten Island. Bound for Italy, the sailing ship carried a crew of seven (plus the Captain, his wife and their two-year old child) and a cargo of alcohol. Almost a month later another ship, the Dei Gratia, came across the Mary Celeste 600 miles west of Portugal. Looking through their spyglass, the crew of the Dei Gratia could see that something was amiss and boarded the other ship. What they discovered was that there was nobody aboard the Mary Celeste, tho her cargo and a 6-month supply of food still remained. There was no signs of violence, and the only thing missing (other than the people) were one of the lifeboats. A small crew of men transferred over, and both ships sailed on to Gibraltar. To this day, no one knows for sure what happened to the 10 people who were aboard the Mary Celeste.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “335 – Athanasius is banished to Trier, on charge that he prevented a grain fleet from sailing to Constantinople” and the most recent is “2007 – Jokela school shooting in Tuusula, Finland, resulting in the death of nine people.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:

Athletes with a history of repeated injuries are also the most likely to develop https://regencygrandenursing.com/site-map viagra from canada osteoarthritis as they age. Some cardiologists see erectile dysfunction as an active element.* Use as mentioned and you can experience the problem of low sex desire, no matter whether you are a man under a lot of stress then you may have to deal with impotence something in your life. buy viagra Though many medicines are quoted to be interfering with sexual function but it is relatively tadalafil best prices difficult to treat, but with the effective treatment measures and close cooperation between doctors and patients, most of patients can be cured. So before making the purchase on the viagra professional uk internet platform too. 1874 – First time an elephant was used as a symbol of the Republican Party.

1919 – Several thousand people (mostly union members) in 12 different cities across the US are arrested for being suspected communists. 250 are eventually deported.

1940 – The Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses.


Happy birthday to Yunjin Kim, Christopher Knight, and Judy Tenuta.

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What Happened – November 6

It was on this day in 1928 that Colonel Jacob Schick applied for a patent for the first electric razor. And yeah, that’s pretty much all I got to say about that.




Antidepressants can cause developmental problems – These drugs can affect or order cialis from canada reduce your sexual drive. The enzymes perform inside the penis. fundacionvision.org.pa cheap viagra Include eggs, banana, raspberries, blueberries, fish, almonds, crabs, oysters, pumpkin seeds and wheat germ in your tadalafil soft daily diet. It helps in attaining the erection when the find out for info pfizer viagra man is unable to make firm erections. The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “355 – Roman Emperor Constantius II promotes his cousin Julian to the rank of Caesar, entrusting him with the government of the Prefecture of the Gauls” and the most recent is “2005 – The Evansville Tornado of November 2005 kills 25 in Northwestern Kentucky and Southwestern Indiana.


Happy birthday to Emma Stone, Rebecca Romijn, Glenn Frey, Lori Singer, and Sally Field.


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A couple songs to celebrate Bank Transfer Day

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What Happened – November 5

It was on this day in 1916 that 300 members of the International Workers of the World traveled via steamboat to Everett WA in order to show support for striking mill workers. Snohomish County Sheriff Donald McRae, along with 200 recently-deputized local men, were at the docks when the first of the two boats arrived. McRae asked the men who their leader was and the union workers responded with “We’re all leaders.” The sheriff, while drawing a pistol, then informed them that they couldn’t land their boats. A single shot went off (no one knows if it came from the dock or the boat) and was followed with a ten-minute gun battle. The steamboat then pulled away from the dock, and returned to Seattle while warning the other boat to stay away from Everett. Between five and twelve of the Wobblies were killed, with over two dozen wounded. At least 20 of the locals…including Sheriff McRae…were wounded, with two of the citizen-deputies killed. (it was later determined that they had been shot in the back by their fellow deputies.) Upon arriving in Seattle over 75 of the union-workers were arrested, including one for murder, but were later acquitted of all charges.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “1138 – Ly Anh Tong is enthroned as emperor of Vietnam at the age of two, starting a 37-year reign” and the most recent is “2009 – US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan kills 13 and wounds 30 at Fort Hood, Texas in the largest mass shooting at a US military installation.


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1872 – Susan B. Anthony votes for the first time. Two weeks later she will be arrested for doing so.

1935 – “Monopoly” games are first sold by Parker Brothers.


Happy birthday to Brian Wheat, Tatum O’Neal, Bryan Adams, Robert Patrick, Armin Shimerman, Peter Noone, Art Garfunkel, and Harris Yulin.

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What Happened – November 4

It was on this day in 1970 that a mother and child went into a social services office in Los Angeles CA, seeking help. The social workers initially thought the young girl was 6 or 7, and were shocked when they were told she was actually 13. The mother disclosed the little girl, later given the pseudonym “Genie”, had been locked and chained in a room for most of her life. The family was forbidden by the father to have any contact with her, and even he would bark and hiss at the girl rather than talk. Unable to speak and not toilet trained, Genie was placed into foster care and the police were notified of the abuse. The father soon committed suicide and the mother lost custody of the girl. A few scientists took turns having Genie in their care while studies involving language development were conducted. After funding for these experiments ran out, she was placed in several other foster homes. Tho she had learned some communication skills, she regressed after being punished by one of her foster parents for vomiting and rarely spoke again. She is currently a ward of the state and living at a private institution.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “1333 – The River Arno flooding causing massive damage in Florence as recorded by the Florentine chronicler Giovanni Villani” and the most recent are two that took place in 2008: “Barack Obama becomes the first African-American to be elected President of the United States” and “Proposition 8 passes in California, revoking state recognition of LGBT marriages.


A few other things that also occurred on this day are:

1862 – Dr. Richard Gatling patents a hand-cranked machine gun.
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1922 – Howard Carter’s waterboy discovers a set of stairs that lead to the entrance to Tutankhamun’s tomb.

1979 – The US embassy in Tehran is overran over by Iranian protesters. 90 hostages are taken;  most of them won’t be released until 444 days later.


Happy birthday to Matthew McConaughey, Ralph Macchio, Markie Post, Laura Bush, Loretta Swit, and Doris Roberts.


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What Happened – November 3

It was on this day in 1957 that Sputnik 2 was launched into space by the Soviet Union. It was the second spacecraft to leave Earth, as well as the first to contain an animal. The dog, named Laika, was provided with an air regeneration system as well as gel-cubes of food&water. However, the Russians did not yet have the technology to bring the craft safely back to Earth and she was scheduled to be euthanized (via a poisoned meal) after 10 days in orbit. But due to mechanical problems the temperature inside the spacecraft increased beyond what was expected, and no life signs were received from Laika after the second day. The spacecraft continued to orbit the planet until the following April, when it fell into the atmosphere and burned up.


The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “361 – Emperor Constantius II dies of a fever at Mopsuestia in Cilicia, on his deathbed he is baptised and declares his cousin Julian rightful successor” and the most recent is “1997 – The United States of America imposes economic sanctions against Sudan in response to its human rights abuses of its own citizens and its material and political assistance to Islamic extremist groups across the Middle East and Eastern Africa.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:
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1948 – The Chicago Tribune makes a major mistake with their headline.

1976 – The movie Carrie, based on Stephen King’s first bestseller, is released in theaters.


Happy birthday to Dolph Lundgren, Adam Ant, Dennis Miller, Jim Cummings, Roseanne Barr, and Tom Savini.

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What Happened – November 2

It was on this day in 1957 that police officer A.J. Fowler, on duty at the station in Levelland TX, took over a dozen different phone calls from people who wanted to report UFO sightings. The first came from two farmworkers who claimed they not only saw cigar-shaped objects flying in the sky, but that when the UFOs flew over their truck the engine and electrical system stopped worked. Less than a hour later another man called in to say his vehicle stopped working when he approached an egg-shaped object that was sitting in the middle of the road. The car wouldn’t re-start until after the object flew about 200 feet into the air and disappeared. These types of incidents continued to be reported over the next couple hours, with the Sheriff and the Fire Chief also seeing the same type of thing and experiencing the same kind of vehicle problems. After the news was reported nationwide, the Air Force sent members of Project Blue Book (A UFO research team) to investigate. They declared that these sightings and vehicular problems were the result of a thunderstorm.


The earliest thing that Wiki says happened on this day is “1410 – The Peace of Bicêtre between the Armagnac and Burgundian factions is signed” and the most recent is “2000 – The first resident crew to the ISS docked in November 2nd on the Soyuz TM-31.


Wishes for a happy birthday go out to Jason Cerbone, David Schwimmer, and Keith Emerson.
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And I should be respectful and say “happy birthday” to Scott Walker as well. But I won’t.




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What Happened – November 1

It was on this day in 1512 that the public was finally allowed to view what Michelangelo had been painting on the ceiling of Sistine Chapel for the past four years. Commissioned by Pope Julius II, Michelangelo had to be persuaded to take on the project. (He considered himself more of a sculptor than a painter.) A custom-designed scaffold was used in order to allow services to continue in the chapel while work was being done. The work includes nine scenes from events in Genesis, twelve different prophets, four scenes that relate to Israel, as well as other pictures that show the Ancestors of Christ. Despite how it has been portrayed in recent movies, the artist did not lay on his back while painting.

The earliest event that Wiki says happened on this day is “365 – The Alamanni cross the Rhine and invade Gaul. Emperor Valentinian I moves to Paris to command the army and defend the Gallic cities” while the most recent is “2000 – Serbia joins the United Nations.


A few other things that also took place on this day are:

1896 – National Geographic first publishes a picture of a woman with bare breasts.
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1897 – The Library of Congress’s first building is opened to the public. (The collection had previously been housed in the US Capitol.)

1957 – The movie Cool Hand Luke is released.


Happy birthday to Jenny McCarthy, Rick Allen, Anthony Kiedis, Lyle Lovett, Kinky Friedman, Rachel Ticotin, Ronald Bell, Jim Steinman, Marcia Wallace, and Larry Flynt.

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What Happened – October 31

It was on this day in 1913 that street car workers in Indianapolis went out on strike, in a rather unpeaceful manner. They had organized in order to seek better working conditions and pay, but the Terminal and Traction Company (which had been granted a 31 year lease to run the public transportation system) refused to recognize the union. Three days previously the company had turned down an offer from the US Dept of Labor to mediate the tense situation. Things quickly turned violent, with streetcars were being burnt and electric lines cut. The police were overwhelmed and on Nov. 2 over 300 Pinkertons were brought in from Chicago, but their attempts to restore service failed when thousands of workers from other unions joined into the fray. The Governor declared Martial Law on Nov. 5, and the National Guard patrolled the city. At noon the next day a large crowd gathered around the Statehouse, demanding the troops be withdrawn and that they be allowed to speak to Gov Samuel Ralston. He walked out and made a speech to the group, promising to draft new laws that would require better working conditions as well as reform labor laws. He also stated that the Nat’l Guard would be withdrawn if the striking workers returned to their jobs. The next morning Ralston sat down with union leaders and company owners, with a temporary deal quickly being negotiated. Both sides also agreed to submit any further disagreements to the state’s Public Service Commission for arbitration. The workers went back to the streetcars, and after escorting the strikebreakers out of town the Nat’l Guard was demobilized. During the week-long struggle six people were killed and hundreds injured. Over 30 police officers were charged with mutiny for refusing to confront the crowds, but the Mayor ordered that no disciplinary action be taken against them. The Sheriff resigned in protest, and the Mayor also resigned when he was threatened with impeachment by supporters of the Sheriff on the City Council.


The earliest event that Wiki takes note of occuring on this day is “475 – Romulus Augustulus is proclaimed Western Roman Emperor“, while the most recent are three from 2003: “A bankruptcy court approves MCI’s reorganization plans, essentially clearing the telecommunications company to exit bankruptcy“, “Mahathir bin Mohamad resigns as Prime Minister of Malaysia and is replaced by Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, marking an end to Mahathir’s 22 years in power” & “Bethany Hamilton is attacked by a tiger shark and loses her left arm and three liters of blood.


A couple other things that also happened on this day are:
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1517 – Martin Luther posts his theses on a local church, starting the Protestant Reformation.

1990 – Billy Idol dumps 600 dead fish (and possibly some live farm animals) into the dressing room of Faith No More on the final night of their combined tour. In response the band walks onto stage during Idol’s last song (naked except for masks over their faces) while doing a conga line.


Happy birthday to Rogers Stevens, Robert Van Winkle, Adam Horovitz, Rob Schneider, Peter Jackson, Dermot Mulroney, Bob Siebenberg, David Ogden Stiers, Tom Paxton, and Michael Collins.

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